Blogging a Path Through Homebrew Perdition


Full Name
Joshua Humphries
Josh is a software engineer by day and a homebrewer by night. He is married with two children (Will, born in 2005, and Ewan, born in 2009), and he has two dogs (Miles and Marla), one cat (Noire), and a carefully curated homebrew setup consisting of a 3-tier gravity brewing stand (for all-grain brewing) and a cornelius keg draft setup (with three kegs).

Posts by Josh

Going to Munich… By way of Brussels?
The Porter Beer Bar; Farewell to Hump’s Dancing Monk Ale
Smokin’ Stout
Happy Ending for Full Moon Stout
Hump’s Bitter; The Porter Beer Bar
Irredeemably Pejorative
Holiday Lager 2008 – Take 2
The Nightmare Before Thanksgiving
The Nightmare Before Christmas
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