I may soon be overloaded with homebrew.

I have two brews in the fridge, sitting in kegs, waiting to be consumed. One of the kegs probably holds about one gallon of Hump’s Berry Weizen, and the other probably holds close to three gallons of Hump’s Blissful Bock.

Earlier tonight I racked two more beers that will, hopefully, be ready to go into the kegs in a couple of weeks: Hump’s Farmhouse Ale and Hump’s Peachy Ale. Both are very nice so far. The Farmhouse Ale turned out quite strong – I boiled off more water than originally planned while brewing and didn’t bother replacing it with fresh, sanitized water. I also used some candi sugar in the beer so it would attenuate well, and it worked. The estimated alcohol content is a whopping 9.4%! The Peachy Ale tastes quite nice: it is a mild-mannered wheat beer with sweet malts, wheat, and both hints of acid and a decent amount fruit thanks to the funky Belgian yeast strain. Today I racked it over 7.5 pounds of peaches. It tasted like it would be well-suited to the peaches, so I think this fruit beer will turn out better than did Hump’s Berry Weizen.

To top it all off, I plan on brewing again in a few weeks – a beautiful, bitter, bold beer: Hump’s Best Bitter. To make sure I don’t end up with a major traffic jam at the kegging line, I’ll probably dispense a lot of the kegged beer into bottles. I’ll need to dispense at least some of it so I can save it for giving away to others (particularly, to my sister and brother-in-law in LA).